Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Prevent Hair fall by following Healthy Tips

Different hairstyles give unique personality to everyone. Hairs help you look different and distinguish you in a crowded place. Everyone wish to have healthy, nice, good looking hairs. A person, not only look good with his dark and heavy hairs but it also enhance the self confidence to perform best in any phase of life. Hair fall is a big concern in this modern world. Every second person wants to treat their hair fall problem because this problem leads to an unhealthy lifestyle. Here you will get to know some tips which make your hairs stay longer, well maintained and healthy.

The important and very first step to prevent your hairs is to keep them clean with natural products not with harmful chemicals, shampoo and soaps. If you don’t know the natural things which help you to clean your hairs, then we will recommend you to use boiled black tea after cooling it once a week and to condition your hairs you can use egg and curd. Try to wash your hairs with drained water of cooked rise also use Gooseberry and fresh milk paste onto your scalp and remember to soak the gooseberry for two hours in a cup of milk before making a paste.

To make your hairs shiny, apply a paste of one white egg, one spoon glycerin and two spoons castor oil and also massage your hairs with warm coconut oil one hour before going to wash. To do all these things regularly and flawlessly, prepare a schedule. As you get habitual it will became an easy process for you.

It has been assured that once you follow this process and methods of proper washing, you will be successful in stopping hair fall and damage. It will definitely help you to have healthy and shiny hairs and you will able to make beautiful hairstyles by using clip in extensions. These preventive measures will also help you to remove hair problems, complications and also save you from the side effects of harmful chemicals and shampoos.

Other than this, to increase the shine of your hairs, you should follow some good thing in your daily routine. Take a balanced diet which must include green leafy vegetables, salad, curd, milk, fresh fruits etc. Avoid non -veg and junk food as much as you can. The last but not the least thing is you should avoid alcoholic drinks and smoking to have long, strong, dense and shiny hairs.

As you use clip in extensions in your healthy hair, your hair will make you look unique in crowd.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Trendy Hairstyles with Clip in Extension

Hairs add beauty to ones personality and make people look perfect and feel confident. In this trendy and fashionable era,  Clip in Extension trend has brought up new and classy looking hair styles to give your hair a trendy look and style and also help you to avoid using chemicals,  harmful sprays in order to intact your original hairs. Clip in extension will not only give you large variety of colors and selection but also provide you quick facilities which help in removing extensions easily.
One of the best ways of Clip in extension is Hair Weave. Hair Weave is done with the help of artificial hair to alter natural hair in order to increase the beauty, length, thickness of the hairs. The Clip in extensions is not seen to anyone if placed correctly and easily blend with natural hairs and to make your hairs look more natural. The color of the clips should be choose very carefully.  These extensions are available in different forms like in full headsets, streaks or one piece quick fixes and double wefted sets etc.
But Many of the people are confused that how to use these clips? It’s quite simple and very easy to use. All you have to do is just select the group of hairs and put them in desired place and repeat the procedure in order to place all the extensions and it’s so easy that anyone can apply it in their homes so that you can easily get beautiful and classy hairstyle and the main advantage of these clips is you don’t require any guidance and if you want to apply extensions to full hair then you need bit guidance of hair stylist.
If anyone wants to change his look within short gaps, and want to change your hairstyles according to the occasions, then it‘s better to use clips in extensions rather than permanent extensions and it will also help you in knowing which hairstyles suits you more and more over clips in extensions are less expensive and more durable as you don’t wear these clips for long time.  For more style you can use this clips of different colors like purple, pink or blue to highlight your hairs and to make them more stylish. In this way you can change your hairstyle, sometimes by making short hair style and flowing hairstyles some other time.

William Morgan is a owner of a hair extension website having helped over many fashion loving girls to get there desired hair extension. She writes on topics like Hair extensions, Clip in extensions etc. for the website http://awesome-extensions.com