In the world of hair extensions the quality of product not only depend on manufacturer but also the region from which it is arranged, how it is arranged, whether hairs are chemically treated or not and also the ethnicity of hair. In Remy hair extensions Follicles and cuticles are kept intact and is arranged in same direction in which one’s natural hair are growing, due to this Remy hair extensions are considered to be best among hair stylists. An authentic Remy hair product is that hair which has been tied or braided before being harvested from the head. In Remy hair extensions hair stylists ensures that all the cuticles are arranged in same direction which feel like natural. Remy hair extension can be single or double drawn. Single drawn hair extensions basically means that hair has been sorted on the basis of length and shorter hairs are removed hence giving hair extensions a layered, slightly tapered appearance. Hair extension market is majorly dominated by single drawn as they are easy to use.